Thursday, 23 October 2014

Fact vs Fiction of an All Girls School

Hello Lovely Readers

So this post is pretty much what it says on the tin. Some fact and fictions of an all girls school based on my experiences. 

I went to an all girl high school for 7 years, so I know the story folks. 

1. Everyone is a lesbian.

Big fat lie. If anything these girls couldn't be further from it. They seriously are male deprived, so any sign of a boy... these girls know. They could literally smell the presence of a boy. 

2. It's bitchy as hell.

Well, yeah. The nicknames are possibly the worst things, when they're created by girls. I thought the ones that my year came up with were bad but hearing my little sister tell me her years... we were amateurs. But in all honesty, a mixed school would probably be just as bad.

3. Nobody Eats

HAHAHA biggest lie ever. High School was where Foot Long Friday (subway was round the corner from my school) was formed and Cake Day became a regular occurrence in nearly every class. And.. as its an all female environment someone is always PMS'in so thats obviously an excuse for everyone to eat chocolate with them, for support y'know.
Obviously diet/weight loss was frequent topic of conversation but you soon forget about it when someone suggests going to McDonalds or brings out a packet of cookies.

4. You either don't know what a boy is or are boy obsessed.

Honestly, this is sorta true. There are two ends of the spectrum, the girls who probably have never spoken to a male and the girls who don't waste time speaking and just get straight to it. BUT there's the middle ground too, girls who are completely normal around males. Small minorities and then the majority. So don't go judging and presuming. 

5. Everyone is a snob.

No waaaaaay. Because there were no boys in our school, the girls almost became boys. All of a sudden toilet humour is hilarious and instead of talking about our feelings... we make fun of who someone pulled at the weekend. Topics of conversation become vile and manly stances are adopted. "Lady Like" would not have been the phrase to describe the majority of my high school memories.

6. Everyone Cries, all the time.

This is so true. Sometimes you'd just cry and you wouldn't even know why. It was the male staff I pitied the most in these situations. I remember just talking to a male teacher and starting to cry because I was stressed and tired. He was so uncomfortable because he had no idea what he had done. I actually said, "Its not you, its me" and dramatically left the room. That poor, poor man.

7. There is always a pregnant girl, an engaged girl and a badass who gets expelled.

Mmmm Yeah this is true. So many pregnancies.. meaning so many cute baby Facebook photos! Engagements can last a matter of days or go the full way, but always include dramas of some form. The expulsions are exciting, sometimes just a temporary suspension but if you're lucky they get the full show. 

I could go on for ageeeees but thats just a little insider for you. 

Hope you enjoyed and let me know any funny/memorable experiences you had at high school. 


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