Wednesday, 20 August 2014

20 Things I Learnt Being 20

  1. Never underestimate the value of a squat. Not much more to be said than that. You do them right, you'll hurt like hell but have a hell'a a bootaaay
  2. Work hard for what you want. No matter what is it, a car, a job, or even a nice bum (note point one) it will not just fall into your hands magically, you're going to have to work.
  3. Manners Matter. SERIOUSLY. A 'Please' or "Thank you" can go a long way.
  4. Crocs are never okay.
  5. Work with what you've got, I have finally had to accept that I'm not going to have a last minute growth spurt and wake up 5'8. Basically, by the time you hit your 20's, you just have to accept this is what you have to work with, so weeeeerrk it. I may be the height of a 12 year old with a bum the size of Brazil (practically) but I really don't care anymore, healthy and happy is what matters ladies. 
  6. If you don't know exactly what you're going to do with your life right now - Thats okay. Most people don't, so no freaking out.
  7. You might start to say things that sound like your mum... then realise it and panic you've become middle-aged. I have no solution to this... In fact i'm terrible for it. I've found myself offering sandwiches for bus journeys, having a continual supply of plasters and tissues, I even used the word "trendy" once. 
  8. Holding grudges is not necessary. Just move on. Being angry at that girl who took your seat in the canteen at school or your boyfriends ex's friend's brother for saying you were chubby, just is not needed now. You're an adult, keep those vibes positive. 
  9. You'll have regular "I'm going to sort my life out" days. Usually after messy nights out or a few AWOL days in bed. 
  10. Cooking is fabulous. Honestly, everyone and anyone can cook. Trial and error is what its all about, but once you get a few dishes you are confident with, soon you'll feel like Nigella in the kitchen. 
  11. Thinking back to when you were 13-16 will make you cringe. Every time. Personally.. I wore way too many peace signs and heavily avoided the hairdressers. I am so glad I rekindled my love for a hairbrush. 
  12. Putting on sweats or pyjamas every time you return home is always best.
  13. You do not need to tweet/instagram/facebook boast. Social Media is huge I get it, I do and you want to show all your friends your new bag or car because you're excited. THATS FINE. Its the posts like receipts from nightclubs for ridiculous amounts of money that get me. Do you wanna see my food shop receipt? No, didn't think so. I don't wanna see how much money you're spending on overpriced booze then.
  14. Coffee is the fuel of life 
  15. If you're sad cuddle a puppy. Sometimes even looking at pictures of puppies helps - I suggest THIS website. (See me to the right having a cuddle with one of my dogs, Poppy.)
  16. Travelling is always a good idea. See and do all you can round this world, its all we got. 
  17. Listen to Drake, as he so frequently told us, he started at the bottom and now look where is! So here's what I've learnt.. You gotta do it, you gotta start at the bottom and be the number one coffee bitch at some stage.
  18. Be open-minded. 
  19. Chipped Nail Polish looks horrific. Always. (But I end up with chipped nails far more often than I'd like to admit)
  20. Some of your friends will be starting to get engaged or have babies and some will be too drunk to know what day it is. Wherever you fall, make sure its for you and only ever move at your own pace. Do not judge other people's choices - Just think about what is right for you - in work, life and love. 
Hope you enjoyed and feel free to share any lessons you've learnt with me too! Comments are always welcome here.



  1. These are so great! I turn 20 in a few months and totally agree with all of these, especially when I think back to when I was 13... cringe! xx

    1. ah thank you! haha 13 is definitely the worst! xx

  2. 4 and 14 are fab. I CAN'T STAND CROCS! I'd love to travel too and experience the world x

    1. Hahah thank you! I really don't understand why crocs exist! xx

  3. Brilliant post, it really made a fun and interesting read :) I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted thanks.

    Camille xo

    1. Awh thank you Camille! Had a wee nosey at your blog there! Loooove it! xxx
